
Perinvest group is a company specializing in companies focusing on the production of large cultural, social and sports events not only in the Czech Republic.


years of experience in events & marketing




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Perinvest Group

Perinvest a.s. deals with the production and supervision of sporting and cultural events with great international intervention. Under the auspices of this company you will find events such as the Davis Cup, the Fed Cup, the Euroleague Basketball Final Four, Prague Fashion Week and the international NHL tournaments in Prague.

Tennis Arena is the leading tennis magazine and news portal in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Every two months, the magazine informs readers about tennis events from around the world. On 96 pages, Tennis Arena brings reports, news, exclusive photos, interviews with players, coaches and white sport legends. It contains an extensive methodological section, where recognized experts contribute. The professional website emphasizes the timeliness, speed and originality of the contributions. Organization of international tournaments, but also production of tennis series and events for companies.

Dance-Sport-Marketing was founded in the spring of 2014. The primary goal was to try to improve the business and marketing climate in the Czech dance sport after we managed to acquire the commercial and marketing rights of the Czech Dance Organization (CDO). At the same time, however, we also have a working team of top experts who have a very rich experience from the past as well as organizing sports events of national and international importance.

Providing of catering and management of the Tiebreak tennis restaurant at Štvanice. Experience with private events as well as great productions in top quality.

Tennis Club Slavia Plzeň is another project that is being developed under the auspices of our supervision. We participate in the renovation and modernization of the complex. We consider building our tennis academy our priority in TK Slavia Plzeň.


Vyprodáno! Vstupenky na NHL v Praze zmizely za dvě hodiny

Obrovský zájem byl o zahajovací duel příští sezony NHL, který v Praze odehrají hokejisté Philadelphie a Chicaga. Vstupenky se vyprodaly za dvě hodiny. Hned v úvodních vteřinách po dnešním zahájení předprodeje projevily zájem o návštěvu O2 areny tisíce lidí. V...


Janáčkovo nábřeží 157/53
150 00 Praha 5


+420 737 215 000